Off Plate

Day one was named "From the field to the plate to the field" ("Vom Acker auf den Teller auf den Acker") and was reserved for discussions around the status quo of food production, food utilization, food disposal and food waste.

The animation shows the propinquity of the production to the utilization by depicting the similarity of the tools to harvest and to eat.

"On your leftovers, get set, go!" ("Auf die Reste, fertig, los!") was the title of day three. That day was about utilizing the leftovers from the days before and learn in workshops how to preserve the food by fermentation or pickling.

This process of harvesting, picklingand eating is translated in this animation.

Day two had the title "exchange of savers on saved food while having well fried food" ("Austausch mit Rettenden über Gerettetes bei gut Gebratenem"). The title literally describes the plan of the day: Chefs, the owner of a bulk store and the founder of a start-up, that saves out sorted vegetables directly at the producers and sells it in boxes, told about their practice.

The animation picks up the saving of odd vegetables and fruits, their preparation and the sociable sharing of that meal, accompanied by a cheers to the conjoint project

Off Plate is a „culinary experience“, „a platform to reimagine & practice a more social & sustainable food system“. In autumn 2022 they organised an event around the subject of food waste; three days full of discussions, workshops and collective eating, impulses to save food from rotting or waste. For each of the three days I made a video that sums up the plan for the corresponding day.